Friday, February 10, 2012

Working in the Garden

I finally found time to start my garden. I decided to begin in a new spot. First, I had to till the ground.

Then, I scooped "fertilizer" from the barn.

I had lots of help from my friends.

I spread the fertilizer over the whole area.

I will need to till it again before I can plant the onions.

What about you? Do you like to garden? What are your favorite things to plant?


  1. My husband does all the gardening here, but alas, it is much too early here in Michigan to do any yet, but he anxiously awaits Spring so he can get his hands dirty!

    1. I am often a little too eager to plant. As a result, I usually end up replanting what was killed in a late freeze. Oh well, it's good exercise!

  2. I love to garden. I like to plant corn, tomatoes, green beans, cabbage, peppers and okra.

  3. That brown thumb again. LOL. I used to garden as a kid (my grandparents had one) and I admit to hating it. The tilling, the weeding, the planting, the weeding, the harvesting, the weeding... Did I mention the weeding? ;)

    I live in a condo now so now yard to garden, even if I wanted to, but I've been curious about planting some strawberries in pots or doing some citrus trees on the balcony. I'm such a lemon, lime, and orange freak. I'd love to have fresh ones of my own for the summer.


    1. Julie,
      Try planting strawberries in hanging baskets. Works great and doesn't take up too much room. Citrus trees would be so awesome!

    2. I like that idea! I'll have to look into that. :) And I think citrus trees would be a lot of fun, plus -- at least according to Martha Stewart -- you can bring the pots into the house and keep the trees alive during the winter, which is perfect for me since Chicago gets pretty darned cold.


  4. your garden is BIG! I wish I had the land to plant a garden. Plus I have no sun to make a garden grow. When I was little my parents joined a coop on the other side of town and we had a small garden on a patch of farmland. I had the best summer there watching tomatoes, squash and cucumbers grow. Carrying the jugs out water was tough but it was a fun experience. Having tomatoes grow in a pot isn't quite the same thing. LOL
