Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Three Books at Once

I'm writing three books at once! I've never written more than one at a time before, but I've got two close deadlines so I had to do something. The main problem I have is remembering all the characters' names. I'm revising the third book in the Jubilee, Texas series and writing both a novella for Blaze and the Christmas novella for the Twlight, Texas series. (Not to mention writing a paper for school). At least all the stories are very different. That helps!

But I know I'm not the only one juggling several things at once. What about you? What's your balancing act this week?


  1. I don't juggle anything anymore. I did while my mom was alive. But now she is gone and my time is my own. It has been a big change. I don't have to check any schedule before I make plans to go somewhere.. Well there is always those doctors appointments, but there easy to reschedule...

  2. I'm with Kathleen on this one. I juggled like crazy during the years I was a caregiver to my grandparents. Now that they're both gone I'm fortunate that I don't have to. This week is actually a slow week (yay!) compared to the last several where there were a billion balls in the air. *sigh* This week I'm focusing on getting my revisions back to my editor. :)

    And gads, Lori, three projects? Eeek. I know you'll do fantastic, but I've always found it super challenging to do more than 2 projects at once. I'll be curious to see what you think of the experience. Totally looking forward to the Twilight Novella, by the way!


  3. I'm sooo jealous. I keep reminding myself one of these days things will slow down.


  4. Please tell me you have a housekeeper. I am amazed at people who can accomplish so much. I am working on being more productive. My mantra, "Do or do not. There is no try.".

  5. LOL Becky! My mantra is do "enough" and that's good enough for me. Everybody else can deal with it or pick up a dust cloth. ;)


  6. No housekeeper but my husband is such a sweetie to always help out.

  7. I make a list of THREE and my goal is to get them all done to feel accomplished and to keep me on task. Many times my list is much larger than three but I focus on 3 per day...if I get more done, great but if not, that's ok too!

  8. Lori, I don't know how you do it. You're amazing.

  9. I'm only juggling the usual stuff.

    I did something today that made me nervous though. This year it's my job to find a local children's author to talk to the students about her books and writing. (I wish I could invite you and Julie, but I'm not sure the school board would understand.)

    So, today I wrote an email to an author I've never talked to before. I second guessed everything I wrote and started two sentences with the same word. Ack! I just hope please and thank you will be enough.
    I'm crossing my fingers and thanks for listening to me overshare.

  10. Wow 3 stories at the same time! Good for me but I'm sure hectic for you. I feel I'm juggling my roles as mother, wife and daughter. My parents are both in their 80s and need to be checked on to see how things are with their health and house situations since they still live at home. Then my 4 kids have active schedules with their work and school schedules. 3 are in either college or graduate school so I'm always wondering who will be home for dinner. Last but not least is that I am a wife and I am the planner of the two of us. Day to day is different so it's never ending to keep things straight.
    Lately I've been dealing with no electricity since Hurricane Irene and bad storms. Got my power back late last night. That always throws a kink in plans!

  11. Not only is life a juggling act, most of the time it's a three ring circus. I just hope I don't drop the ball! lol

  12. Bless you all! I'm very fortunate in being retired and no longer have to juggle anything! And this weekend? No one is home but me and the cats - yay!!!
