Monday, December 26, 2011


I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas. I had an awesome time with my family. I did get a surprise, however, with one gift.

We got 8 Rainbow Trout fresh from the river!

Pretty cool huh? Does anyone have a good recipe for grilled trout?  What about you? What was the most unusual gift you ever received?


  1. Yes it is. Fresh fish! Yum. I leave the grilling to my daughter because she can do it without it drying out. I tend to overcook things.
    The most unusual gift I got was from a boyfriend in college. I got a Muppet movie poster. HUH?!!

  2. I tend to dry fish out too! There's got to be a secret.

    Muppet movie poster, huh? Whatever happened to the boyfriend?

  3. Never Sniff a Gift Patrick McManus....If you're not opposed to hunting and fishing stories and need a giggle these stories laugh your butt off funny. You might think, I don't hunt and fish, but just trust me.

    He and his sister, The Troll, also have a cookbook, but I think it's out of print.
