Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Fresh Eggs

As some of you may know, I have chickens. I have 12 Buff Orpington hens. They are so much fun.

They lay the best eggs. I thought today we would do a comparison. Can you tell which egg came from the store and which egg came from my hen? Is it the one on the left or the one on the right?


Which do you think, left or right? Tell me why you picked the one you did. 

I will reveal the answer later today, so check back in the comments for the answer. I bet you are eggcited to know the answer. heehee


  1. I'm going to say its the one on the right...because it looks like the eggs my rancher grandpa used to serve when I was little.

  2. I'm going to say the one on the right as well.... I eat alot of eggs and the yolks on mine are not nearly that bright :)

  3. Egg on the right. Richer yolk. I used to have chickens, I miss getting fresh eggs.

  4. The egg on the right looks like a good farm fresh egg:) I miss my chickens:) My favorites were the Japanese Bantam & the Cochin aka Disco Chicks;)


  5. Definitely the one on the right! Fresh eggs have rich, golden yolks. I have hens, too: one cochin, one silkie, one Polish (crazy bird!), one Rhode Island red, and two French blue maranss. I like variety. Oh...and a duck, who is also a good layer and thinks she's a chicken.

  6. I would say the egg on the right. Have had fresh eggs from a friend with chickens and the coloring is so much brighter than store-bought eggs.

  7. I also say the one on the right. After watching the horrible show (I think from Jamie Oliver) about caged hens we only buy free range eggs. There is a huge difference in colour taste and size when you go to happy chickens!
    Ti Colluney
    eternaisbliss at aol dot com

  8. Definitely the one on the right. Your chickens are obviously pastured, and pastured eggs have orange yolks :)

  9. The one of the right. The yolk is tighter and the color more golden, which means fresher egg.

    The looser the yolk, the older the egg.


  10. The egg on the right is definitely from your hen! The yolk just LOOKS richer and the scrambled egg looks like it was made from fresh eggs! Now I need to go out and buy some free range eggs!

  11. I going to say the egg on the right is fresh because of it's vivid yoke color and firmness. It's not washed out or loose like the one on the left.

  12. Most definitely the egg on the right. The chlorophyll in the grass your Buffs are eating converts to darker yolk color. If they eat more protein, like grasshoppers, the uncooked white will be more cohesive/less watery. Aren't Buff Orpingtons the best?! I've always been careful to cull the roosters for the one with the deepest, broadest chest. The taller, skinnier ones tend to be surly while the tank-shaped guys are mellow and smart. In Montana I had a Buff hen who would set and hatch fourteen eggs in one go. Miss her! --Sylvia

  13. Wow!! Can't fool you guys! You all guessed correctly. It is the egg on the right. Fresh eggs are sooo much better and healthier.

  14. Aw, I was going to say the egg on the left just to be different! Hope breakfast was yummy! :)

  15. It's gotta be the one on the right, looks more like a ranch egg, fresh from the chicken.

  16. The one on the right, it just looks healthier and better tasting.

  17. The one on the right is your chicken's egg. My Uncle Theron said when the yolks turn deep yellow like that they were called "fighting eggs." That's because the roosters would start fighting for the hens.

  18. I think the egg on the right, comes from your hen, but hey what do I know...
