Friday, January 6, 2012

Getting Ready for Planting

Winter down where I live is very mild. So January to me means getting my garden ready for planting. In February, I will plant onions, potatoes, lettuce, and broccoli. I can't wait to get started!!!!!

Get out the plow
Get out the trowel 
It's time to prepare the land. 

To till the soil
Is not hard toil 
Refine it like it's sand. 

Pull the weeds 
And count the seeds 
'Cause plantin' time's at hand. 

Hey, I'm a poet who didn't know it! heehee
Are there any other gardeners out there who just can't wait to get to work?



  1. Despite 3 years of horticulture in high school, I possess not the coveted Green Thumb but the Brown Thumb of my mother. *sigh* Any plant I touch or that enters my home dies.

    Apparently the only things I can grow successfully are dust bunnies and paper clutter. It's tres sad.


  2. I'm aiming to put the paper clutter on the endangered list for 2012. I bought a new paper shredder the other day. Junk mail beware! ;)


  3. Would you believe I am still getting broccoli from what I planted in Feb last year? And before our first hard freeze I pulled green tomatoes a s stores then in my washroom, and am now enjoying deliciously red maters. Texas weather is great for gardening, when it's not a terrible drought, right?
