Wednesday, July 6, 2011


Tight deadline. National was fun, but wow, the catch up I must play. On the other hand, how can I complain when I get to write about this? Introducing my hero, Rafferty Jones. Horse trainer for the movies.

So what are you reading or writing on this sultry summer day?


  1. Can't wait to read the new series, Lori!

    I'm reading Rhonda Nelson's "Real Men Wear Plaid!" right now. I'm fiddling with writing the opening for a paranormal romance I've been thinking about forever now and trying to organize a couple of contemporary romances that *might* wind up contenders for single title romance instead of category (something I've never tried before, really).


  2. I am reading Seduced By Destiny by Kira Morgan.

  3. I am having Twilight, Texas withdrawal. I cannot wait until the novella comes out this Fall. I hope Patsy and Hondo gets their story, even if it's a minor one. I remember reading THE SWEETHEARTS' KNITTING CLUB and hoping Jesse would turn out to be their child that she thought was stillborn. But, yay can't wait for your new series. More cowboys, more Texas. Helloooo Rafferty Jones :)

    I am reading SHADOWFEVER by Karen Marie Moning.

  4. WOW what a BIG hat our hero is wearing....
    I just finished One Night-Two Heirs by Maureen Child,
    Now I am starting The Help, by Katherine Sockett.. I have heard great things aobut this book..

  5. I've got The Help on audio book but haven't had a chance to listen to it. Maybe after this deadline.


  6. Na,

    The thee Twilight, Texas stories center around preparations for Patsy and Hondo's wedding.

  7. And yes, we find out what happens with Earl and Rayleen.


  8. Thanks Lori, I cannot wait until they are released. Just in time for Christmas too =)
