Monday, August 1, 2011

Imagine returing to the scene of your biggest humiliation.

That's the question that got me started writing The First Love Cookie Club, that's being rereleased in trade paperback on August 16th. The book opens with my heroine humilitating herself in a big way when she is fifteen.

I, too, humilitated myself when I was fifteen. See, I was quiet and shy in high school. Not very popular. Wore homemade clothes. Kinda chubby. Frizzy hair. Glasses. No one noticed me. There was a guy on my school bus I had a crush on, but of course I was way too shy to say anything to him.

One night when I was babysitting, I called him up, but when he answered I was too scared to say anything so I hung up. Not so bad, except I did it again. And then again. Well, okay, I sort of stalked him. I just wanted to hear his voice. I didn't realize what a pest I was being until the cops showed up one day at the house where I babysat. After that, everyone on the school bus knew I had a crush on the guy. I wanted to die. Seriously. True teenage humiliation. Gosh, just telling you all about it now is making me cringe in shame.

You'd think I wouldn't want to revisit that, huh? But that's exactly what I did in The First Love Cookie Club when I stepped into Sarah Collier's shoes. Or maybe I put Sarah in mine. I was so mean to Sarah. I sent her right back to that town, just like I had to climb on that bus the day after the cops told me to stop calling the guy.

How about you? Ever do anything that embarrassed you so deeply it still hurts to remember even decades later?


  1. Oh there have been a few in my life, but never anything that a good laugh about it, to take bad those moments away.

  2. I just finished reading The First Love Cookie Club and I truly loved it. What I really loved was that it was heart-wrenching and heart-warming all in one.

  3. Yes I have embarrassed myself that badly. I moved across three states to be near a man. My motives were obvious to everyone. After a month I threw myself at him. Not a week later he took the love of his life out for a first date. They promptly fell in bed and he shared the news with our friends. I had a choice. Either accept her as part of our circle of friends or lose them all. I finally understood Scarlett O'Hara.

  4. Great sotry, Kat. Sorry you had to go through the heartache.

  5. Carlene,

    Ther's usually a grain of real life in all my stories. Something that happened to me or someone I know.

  6. This book is my favourite of the Twilight series. It captured the spirit of the holidays perfectly and really brightened up my life reading it. I hope there will be little (or big) updates on Travis, Sarah and Jazzy.

  7. Thanks Lori. Life's an adventure isn't it?
